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The PKKP Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

WA, Australia. Vacancy ID: 1818

Position Description

Independent Director

The role of the Independent Member will be to:
• Provide leadership, direction and support to the Board;
• Promote and uphold principles of good governance.
• Attend all Board, subcommittee and community meetings.
• Promote effective and efficient lines of communication; and
• Undertake appropriate cross-cultural training as required.

The Director for the PKKPAC Board appointment is for a two-year term. The expected commitment of the directors is approximately twenty days of meetings per year plus two days of training along with ongoing engagement throughout the year for matters as they arise.

Meetings will typically be held in Perth, Onslow or Karratha, Western Australia.

Strict attendance at ALL meetings is required.

Directors are paid a salary of $40,000 per annum plus superannuation. Directors may be eligible for salary sacrifice benefits.

About The Organisation

The PKKP Aboriginal Corporation administers the traditional lands and waters of the Puutu Kunti Kurrama people and the Pinikura people on their behalf.

These lands and waters cover approximately 10,888 square kilometres of Western Australia’s Pilbara region, between Onslow and Tom Price.

The rights and interests of the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura peoples to these lands and waters were recognised in the #1 and #2 v State of Western Australia decision, on 2 September 2015.

The applicants were two separate but related language groups speaking for their own country, as well as a shared area. While these two groups are distinct and unique, they also observe common laws and customs that facilitate the protection and sharing of resources.

Following the determination, the traditional owners were required to nominate a prescribed body corporate to hold the native title in trust within six months, and the PKKP Aboriginal Corporation was nominated on 22 January 2016.

The Objectives of PKKPAC is to:
• hold Native Title on trust for the benefit of the PKKP People, perform the functions of a Prescribed Body Corporate and to manage the Native Title rights and interests of the PKKP People;
• implement the Participation Agreement and perform the role of the LAC on behalf of the PKKP People;
• implement other agreements as the PKKP People may request from time to time;
• provide direct relief from poverty, sickness, suffering, misfortune, disability, destitution, and disadvantage to the PKKP People;
• maintain, protect, promote and advance the lore, culture, native title, traditions and customs of the PKKP People;
• promote, develop, improve and advance the skills, capabilities, knowledge, and commercial achievements of the PKKP People;
• promote, develop, improve and advance the education, health and wellbeing of the PKKP People;
• act in the best interests of the PKKP People;
• hold title to any Vested Land; and
• to apply for funds including PKKP People trust funds to fulfil these objectives.

Selection Criteria

In appointing an Independent Member, high regard shall be had to whether the person:
• Has experience working with Aboriginal communities.
• Has experience working with the administration of Native Title rights.
• Has experience in financial or business management roles.
• Applicants based in Western Australia.

A person is eligible for appointment if they are:
• Independent: is independent and is not a PKKP Person.
• Qualification: has undertaken AICD or another suitable training or willing to do so within the first year of appointment.
• Experience: has a minimum three years’ experience as a director of an Australian company or in a professional, financial, or business management role.
• Financial Literacy: is ‘financially literate’
• Leadership Experience: possesses leadership experience, and shall possess qualities reflecting a proven record of accomplishment and ability to work with others
• Absence of Conflicting Commitments: does not have commitments that would conflict with the commitments of a Director of the Corporation
• Reputation and Integrity: is of high repute and recognised integrity and;
o Is not a person who is not permitted by the Corporations Act (or an order made under the Corporations Act) or the CATSI Act to be a director;
o Has not been disqualified (either automatically or by Court order) from managing a corporation under from doing anything else contemplated by the role of the Independent Director, under any applicable law;
o Is not a person who has been convicted of an offence other than a traffic infringement or other minor offence;
• Endorsed by the PKKPAC members and approved by RTIO.

How To Apply

Your EOI should include a CV, and a letter detailing your interest, experience, and a demonstration of your eligibility, by 4:00pm on 8 July 2024.

For further information or to submit your expressions of interest, please contact Jana Francis Director of Governance at [email protected].

Please ensure your application or enquiry email states RE: INDEPENDENT APPLICATION in the subject line.
Position Sought: Independent Non-Executive Director
Organisation Type: Public Unlisted (Ltd)
Industry/Sector: Heritage / Culture
Skill Sought: Business acumen, Business Operations, Compliance, Finance, Financial Oversight, Governance, Heritage Management, Indigenous Affairs, Indigenous Business Development, Indigenous culture, Land Management, Leadership
Closing Date: 08/07/2024
State: WA
Remuneration: Director fees
Duration of Appointment: 2 Years

Jana Francis

[email protected]

08 9185 5000